NF's testimonial

Published: Tuesday, 04 April 2023

A fantastic, unique experience here in OpenSim. The entire region currently comprises three different, but equally impressive clubs — each of which put a smile on my face. The passion behind the build is apparent and the atmosphere is on-point.

I visited (for the first time ever) in the off-hours just to look around and ended up having more fun than imagined. It was a delight exploring each of the clubs which were thoughtfully designed and exquisitely crafted down to the smallest of details. Novel concepts are employed to take the club ambiance to the next level.

The region implements materials and lighting throughout, but in a discerning fashion. A viewer with "Advanced Lighting" enabled will provide a marvelous experience and could be recommended. Luckily, efficiency is not sacrificed. I actually achieved a nice, steady frame-rate in each of the clubs despite the gorgeous visuals.

On my visit, I was fortunate enough to meet the owner & operator of Trianon, Essensual McMahon. She kindly took the time to answer all my curious questions and was very courteous and affable. I had a great time talking to her about Trianon, OpenSim and much more. I'm excited to visit again - and this time I'll go during one of the parties!

This place is a definitely worth seeing and if you visit, I'm sure you will be welcomed as I was. :)

Oh, and about the landing point discussed in other reviews; Just click the picture of the club you wish to visit /or/ walk into the picture to be teleported. That's all! Have fun!

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