Published: Saturday, 25 January 2025

It is with a heavy heart that I must share this announcement. Effective February 1, 2025, the Train Station, TGIF, and the 1 PM Fetish Factor sets will be discontinued until further notice. The Formal Ballroom will remain a Thursday 1 PM set, with Zoree singing bi-weekly, and I will reach out to Khiron to see if she would be interested in singing on the alternate weeks, given the closure of the Train Station. The 5 PM Fetish Factor set will continue, but it will now be a 2-hour format.

Maintaining 4 DJ sets per week and hosting 2 additional shows has taken a significant toll on myself and has prevented me from devoting the necessary time to clothing production for Vesti and Homes for H&G.

I hope you understand and will continue to support the 2 weekly sets that will remain. Your ongoing patronage is greatly appreciated during this transition.

Essensual McMahon

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